Hymenoplasty (Hymen Repair)
Types of Hymen
Annular Hymen (Round ring): It is a round ring and has a ring-shaped hole in the middle. If the hole in the middle is too large, the membrane may not rupture despite the passage of the penis. In this case, it is said that the hymen is suitable for penetration. The term “flexible membrane” is used among the public. It is the most common hymen form (60-95%).
Septated Hymen (with intermediate partition): There is an “intermediate piece of tissue belonging to the membrane” in the middle part that divides the space. Its incidence is between 1.5-5%.
Cribriform hymen (Multi-perforated, rivulet-like): There is not a single hole but multiple holes in the middle of the hymen. In this view, the shape of the hymen resembles a “griddle”. Its incidence is less than 1%.
Imperforate hymen (Pathological type): There is no hole in the middle and the entrance to the vagina is completely closed. Girls with this membrane do not experience any menstrual bleeding. When the menstrual period begins and the bleeding cannot flow out, they periodically complain of severe groin and lower back pain. During this period, an opening is surgically created to allow menstrual bleeding to flow.
Multiparous hymen (found in those who have given birth): In women who have given birth normally, the hymen ruptures due to birth and the remaining parts are called “carincle (hymen residue)”.
How is Hymen Examined?
Hymen Planting and Repair
Temporary Hymen Stitching
Things to Consider After Hymen Operation
First of all, it is extremely important to follow the recommendations of the doctor performing the procedure. You should definitely come to your check-ups when the doctor calls. Likewise, you should definitely use the medications (antibiotics, painkillers) recommended by your doctor. In people who have undergone the Flap method for hymen stitching, there may be some spotting-like bleeding in the first 2 weeks after the procedure, and then a yellowish discharge as the melting fluid of the threads. During the first 1 month – 6 weeks of permanent hymen transplantation, sports activities that will expose the legs too much should not be done, horses, bicycles or motorcycles should not be ridden, swimming in the pool or the sea should not be done, and care should be taken not to become constipated. You can take a bath the next day, but you should take a shower standing and not get in the bathtub for 1 month. If your doctor deems it appropriate, you can use an antiseptic solution or genital shampoo in the shower. You can contact us for more detailed information, questions, hymen examination and appointment about hymen transplantation in Izmir.